Nate Womack
CA DRE# 01369153
925-954-5040 (US)

Nate's Neighborhood Notes
April 2020

                                          High Season Ends Early
High season has ended early on the island of San Pedro as well as all of Belize. With the oncoming pandemic and closure of borders, vacationers headed back to their home countries to ride out the storm. In March, the government of Belize started to take precautions on what we all knew was about to happen. There would be no Easter celebration on Ambergris Caye and there would be no Lobster Festival this season. Many bars and restaurants were starting to close their doors, as there
were too few tourists to try and keep the doors open.
Just before the scheduled closure of the Philip Goldson International Airport, It was announced that Ambergris Caye had the country's first confirmed coronavirus case. That was followed days later by the announcement of an additional case of a family member.

Only essential businesses are operating now, while the rest of us try to keep an online presence, while we wait for a hopeful end to this pandemic in Belize. "Social Distancing" are the key words now as we all try to stay safe and stay home. Real estate still continues to happen, although there are limitations as to what can be done and when. Our industry allows a lot to be accomplished with remote access. If there are any questions that you have about a property that you may have seen online, feel free to ask or you can call my US line.

I hope that you and your family stay safe during this global pandemic. We all look forward to seeing your return here in Belize when this is all over.

                                             Coronavirus Update
As of this update, April 11, 2020, there have been 10 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Belize. The first two were confirmed in San Pedro and the rest have been on the mainland. Unfortunately, two of the cases on the mainland have led to deaths. The prim minister has had parts of the country and now all of the country in a State of Emergency for about 3 weeks. The recent death of patient 10 has lead to a 14-day total lockdown and extension for the entire country. Mass gatherings were canceled early into the initial discovery of the first case. The island has been isolated for about 3 weeks now, with the exception of cargo and critical personnel. The first group of vetted travelers away from the island was on last Thursday the 9th. This is for those that were trapped on the island, when it was isolated and have homes to return to on the mainland. The mayor says that they will continue to move these people off of the island, once they are vetted. Once persons leave the island, they WILL NOT be allowed to return until further notice. There are constant updates from the government and I try to keep track of the most relevant ones here.

                                          Repatriation Flights
There have already been two repatriation flights (one to the US and one to Canada), since the international airport was shutdown on March 23rd. Currently, there is another repatriation flight to Houston (US) on April 16, 2020. This flight has already been postponed once, so you should check with United Airlines for booking. Tropic Air is suppose to have a flight for expats leaving San Pedro, but you should also confirm that they have room on their flight.                                     
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                                     Easter "IS NOT" Canceled
With all of the postponements and cancellations, it's hard to have hope in what lies ahead in an unknown future for the world. For me, and many of you, my hope and faith lies in something that happened thousands of years before. The life and death of Jesus Christ was written about and debated long before any of us came to live on this earth. At this point, I am not here to debate anything, but I would like to offer hope and peace from a saviour that cares for us all. Jesus truly is the reason for this season. You may not be able to gather in large crowds or show off that Easter dress, but remember that this holiday is not canceled. It has been permanently defined by millions of people and many generations before us. The debt has been paid as the sacrifice was made.
He died and he did rise!

I hope that you and your families find comfort and peace, during this global event. If there is anything that I can do for you from afar, please contact me and I will try my best. We will get through this! Thank you to all that are on the front lines in the medical fields, service industries, first responders, and support staffs and industries.