Nate Womack
CA DRE# 01369153
925-954-5040 (US)

Nate's Neighborhood Notes
April 2023

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                              Parking Meters Coming to Front Street
Parking meters are being installed on Barrier Reef Drive (Front St.). I am not sure when they will be activated, but keep a look out as there probably won't be much warning before the traffic department starts writing tickets. For now, the installations seem to be from Town Hall south. There is some information in the pictures that I took (times and fees), but I imagine that an official announcement will be out soon with more details.
North San Pedro Beach Ride 2023
                                             Beach Walk Videos
I did another set of San Pedro beach walk videos as I did in 2022. You certainly can compare what has happened in a year's time, but mainly you can see how things look along the beach starting at Royal Palm Villas all the way to the tip of Boca Del Rio.
South San Pedro Beach Walk 2023
Downtown San Pedro Walk 2023
                                              Margaritaville Opens!
Margaritaville has opened 13 miles north of town. From what I understand, only booked guests are given passage on the boat, but I do know a few people that took golf carts up (about a 1.5hr. drive) to spend time at the pool and to have a drink. While I hear that they are still working on improving customer service, I imagine they will get staff trained as soon as possible, before the majority of guests start to arrive.
Newsletter Archives
            Florida Keys Study Shows Tourism Impact Due to Sargassum
We've all smelled it in recent years and the concern is growing not only in Belize, but in other parts of the Caribbean, including Florida. A recent article, written by FOX Weather (Andrew Wulfeck), talks about the issues that the Florida Keys have with it and some studies on the negative impact.

This is something to watch as Belize does not have many resources available and may very well be looking for assistance in the future from countries like the United States. In the future, there may be a move to reduce the size of the Sargasso Sea and the United States, due to its economic impact, might possibly be a leader in that movement..

To read the full story, click on the link here.
                              New Island Hospital Location Revealed!
Although information never seems to flow as fast as we would like on the island, it eventually gets out and we can make our plans accordingly. On January 11, 2023, the memorandum of understand was signed between the government of Belize and Taiwan for the construction of the San Pedro General Hospital. I knew that the general location was south of town, but we weren't given specifics. A couple of weeks ago, I came upon a clearing in the general vicinity and I have confirmed, through another source, that indeed the new hospital will be in that location. The location is west of Sea Grape Drive across from Victoria House. If you are driving in that area, you can see it from the road. How long this build will take, it hasn't been told, but it is something long needed on the island.
                             Queen's Land/King's Land, I Stand Corrected
I was having a discussion with someone last month and as I was talking about a coastal boundary I mentioned Queen's Land (or National Land). I was then corrected as the monarchy of the the British has changed and now King Charles is the official head of state. Therefore, 66 feet from the high-water level from any major body of water should now be referred to as "King's Land". I imagine that not to long from now, there will be a push to change the currency of Belize to include the King of England OR maybe replace that with a symbol of Belize that better represents the independence that it achieved back in 1981.