Nate Womack
CA DRE# 01369153
925-954-5040 (US)

Nate's Neighborhood Notes
August 2020

                                  COVID-19 Returns to San Pedro
On August 2nd, the 3rd case (1st since March) in San Pedro was confirmed. The previous day, a record eight cases were confirmed in the country in one single day. On Aug. 4th another record number of confirmed cases was announced (15), including another one in San Pedro. There is a cluster now in San Pedro and the numbers are increasing daily! The total number of COVID-19 cases in the country of Belize has reached over 70!. The latest case is a female in San Pedro with no prior travel outside of the country. It is believed that there are more suspected cases in San Pedro that are now being tested. There are now over 40 active cases in the country. More on that story here.

                                          Repatriation Flights
There are repatriation flights back to the US scheduled for each Friday until the airport opens on United Airlines. Typically, they depart Belize City at noon and arrive in Houston, TX at 15:30 pm.  Since the announcement from the Prime Minister on August 5, 2020 that the Philip Goldson International Airport WILL NOT reopen on August 15, 2020, there are questions of clarification to find out when property owners and seasonal vacationers will be allowed to return. Recently, the Belize Tourism Board has released a chart to show the different travel classifications and what is needed for re-entry into the country (see below). That will now delayed until the new date.

                                          Returning to Belize
While Belizeans, Permanent Residents, and those with work permits are currently allowed to fly on the incoming repatriation flights that United Airlines has, many have been wondering when and how they will be able to return to Belize. The Prime Minister initially spoke of bringing tourism back, but since then, information has been released on procedures of long term/seasonal travelers to the country.  Tourist visitors will only be able to stay at Gold Standard approved hotels. In addition, person will be required to take a COVID-19 PCR test and quarantine for 1 day (mandatory), while awaiting results. This will all be at the traveler's own expense. If the results are negative, the traveler will be able to self quarantine at their own residence for the other 13 days. This will require a tracking device and an app on your phone that has to be downloaded before arrival. For more information, please see the chart below.

That being said, the Prime Minister has recently made the remarks eluding to the possibility that the airport re-opening could possibly be delayed, due to the current cluster that is being investigated in San Pedro. For details click here.

                       Faster Route to Obtaining Belize Land Title
The Government has decided that land title transfers to foreigners no longer need Central Bank approval before being processed by Lands Department. The Central Bank must still be notified, but the move will no doubt accelerate the process that has been known to be backlogged.
This decision will do two things:
1. Allow the government to receive funds for each real estate transaction quicker. The transfer tax ranges from 5% to 8% for the transaction and that is money that the government desperately needs.
2. Allow owners to receive their titles sooner. In the past, this process has taken anywhere from 6 months to a year and a half (if not more).
Click here for more details.

                                 Real Estate Sales Still Ongoing
Even with a global pandemic, real estate business is being transacted in Belize as well as other parts of the world. How business is being accomplished may be different, but the end result is the same. Tours of properties are virtual and signatures are collected electronically. If you are looking for something to buy or have something to sell, we are here to help you. Give us a call or send an email so that we can answer your questions and help you move on to your next life's vision. I hope that you and your family stay safe during this global pandemic. We all look forward to seeing your return here in Belize when this is all over.

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