Nate Womack
CA DRE# 01369153
925-954-5040 (US)

Nate's Neighborhood Notes
December 2020

                                       New Curfew For Belize
Due to the recent rise in active cases that have spread to most of Belize, it was announced by the Minister of Health and Wellness, Hon. Michel Chebat, that there would be a curfew starting Saturday, November 28th, from 10pm. to 5am. for 21 days. This is all captured in SI-170. This also only allows restaurants take-out dining (no indoor dining, unless it is an open air restaurant). San Pedro has also seen an increase. In fact, 38 positive tests were confirmed from December 5th to December 7th!
We are all hoping that with this new curfew, people will stay home more and the numbers will come down so that we might have a less restrictive Christmas socially. More tourist have been seen on the island in the last couple of weeks and that number is expected to grow in December. Please wear your mask, socially distance yourself, and wash your hands often.

                            New Coronavirus Mapping Charts
On December 3, 2020, the Ministry of Health and Wellness Belize published a new kind of Covid-19 map, much different from the one previously used in the past. In fact, there a now 3 maps instead of just the one to provide more data. It is still taking a bit to get use to the new maps, but overall, it will be better for comparisons.


                            New YouTube Channel "Coming Soon"
I have always planned on providing more information about Belize and real estate in Belize to the masses, but I have been slow in putting that plan into action. Well, I believe it's time to take the next step in reaching out to people and that will be my NEW YouTube Channel! The name will follow the website name to stay consistent and it will be easier to link the videos in that "Pics/Videos" button you have never had an opportunity to use (lol). I have been holding on to a lot of videos that I have taken for some time and now that I am getting a little better at the editing, it's time to roll them out to the public (ie.YOU). Some of the videos are social and just shows my perspective of living in Belize and others will be about real estate. Please take look at the channel and "SUBSCRIBE" if you want to be able to get notices for new videos and information that I will have in the future. I should be bringing the channel online before Christmas. In the meantime, if you have any ideas of videos you would like to see in the future, shoot me an email and I will see what I can do.

                                     Christmas in San Pedro 2020
Well, unfortunately there will be no Christmas Parade in San Pedro this year. I personally thought that it was the best community event of the entire 2019. There probably won't be much of a New Year's Celebration either. I will have friends in town and we will just have to make it a smaller gathering. Hopefully, the curfew will be lifted before Christmas and we will be able to stay out a bit later, if that is really needed. I do know that there are more tourists expected in town that holiday week into the new year. I wanted to wish my readers a very

Merry Christmas
                                        Happy New Year!

                                                           Stay Safe Belize!                        
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San Pedro Christmas Parade 2019