Nate Womack
CA DRE# 01369153
925-954-5040 (US)

Nate's Neighborhood Notes
December 2021

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                                      Hurricane Season Ends

Hurricane season "officially" came to an end on November 30th. While there were an above average number of storms this year, Belize was not impacted in any major way by them. The closest storm that came near our region was Hurricane Grace, which made landfall near Tulum, Mexico as a category 1 hurricane. Most notable was that last 2 months on the season were fairly inactive. Good news for us as the country has gone through plenty the last couple of years, particularly with the flooding on the mainland. That being said, hurricanes don't always occur during the season, but they are much less likely during other times of the year.

Below is the summation of the season, compared to last season and the seasonal average.
       Nat Geo names Belize as one of the 25 Amazing Journeys for 2022     

National Geographic has named the country of Belize in the Top 25 places to visit in 2022!

National Geographic’s travel article “25 amazing journeys for 2022” feature’s the top picks for destinations from the publication’s global editors. The article notes that while the COVID-19 pandemic has changed when and how people travel, the desire to travel is strong and that Belize is among those countries travel seekers should definitely visit for a unique experience.

Belize has been noted in many recent travel articles and awards and is getting notice as travelers begin to plan their trips as the world tries to return to its new normal way of travel. This particular article also highlights conservation efforts being done in Belize, noting that the Nature Conservancy had purchased 236,000 acres of tropical forest in northwestern Belize to create the Belize Maya Forest Reserve.

See ther full article here.
                      Positive COVID-19 Cases Continue Decline
The number of positive COVID-19 cases in the country of Belize has continued its decline through the month of November 2021. While much of the world is fighting a number of increasing patterns, Belize is hoping to continue its trend through the high season and beyond. Currently, Belize has had about 19 straight days with more COVID-19 recoveries than new positive cases. There are currently 1,043 positive cases in the country. Compare that to 2,287 cases that were positive on November 5, 2021 and you can see that the number was cut more than half from the previous month.
That being said, we still are a ways away from moving down to CDC Travel Level 3 (we are currently at Level 4), which would require basically less than 2,000 new cases in the previous 28 days.

For full details on how the CDC determines Travel Health Threats, click here.

To see more information on the virus here in Belize, click here.
                                      San Pedro Turkey Trot 2021

I had the opportunity to participate in the Island Dream Tours 3rd Annual San Pedro, Belize Turkey Trot on November 25, 2021 and this year I had family with me. My niece and grandnephew helped represent the family on the run. This was my second appearance at the event and this year I managed to run the entire distance (5K or about 3.1 miles). The participation for the event has grown quite a bit since Teddy Qualls originally organized it 3 years ago. In 2019 he began with 5 participants. Last year, in the middle of a global pandemic, there were about 30 people. This year, we had approximately 72 participants in the trot. This year was also the first year with sponsors and prizes for top male and female finishers.

I could not talk about this event if I didn't mention that my grandnephew (Dior Richardson) actually finished 1st for the run (technically "unofficial" as he was not registered). I knew that he was on a track team, but at the age of 12, much faster than I thought he would be! I finished 6th, at around 29 minutes. I welcome you ALL to put it on your calendars for next year as funds go towards our Hope Haven here on the island. I believe around $3,900Bz was raised from the event!
                                    Family Visits for Thanksgiving

2020 was the year that my family was going to make it to Belize to visit me. I had not seen them since I arrived in 2019. The global pandemic cancelled those plans for them and most travelers. 2021 brought new hope and another chance. Although all would not be able to make it, I hosted (made arrangements for our gatherings) my family in San Pedro this year for our American Thanksgiving holiday. I had two different groups that stayed at two different locations. One group was at the new Alaia Resort and another at the Isla Bonita Yacht Club.That's four adults and three children in total!

I decided that we would have dinner at the Black & White Garifuna Restaurant for Thanksgiving and it may have very well been the highlight of the trip. The dinner included drumming and dancing along with a taste of cultural foods.

I did make it out to the Secret Beach Water Park as well as a few restaurants and walks along the beach. For this shorter stay, that was plenty. They have all arrived safe at home with pleasant memories of my new home here in San Pedro. More friends and guests are now expected to arrive before Christmas!
(Top left to right: Myself, sister Josie, cousin Virginia Ann, grandniece Aurora, niece Danielle, grandnephew Dior, brother Tyler, and standing center grandnephew Kenji).
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!