Nate Womack
CA DRE# 01369153
925-954-5040 (US)

Nate's Neighborhood Notes
February 2020

                                               High Season
It is here, High Season! A lot of tourists and much more traffic than just a couple of months ago, but with that, we are thankful that they choose to come to San Pedro for their vacation and bring in much needed tourist dollars to the community.
Showings have picked up a bit, but many are just "kicking the tires" or are too new to the country to put down a deposit on land/real estate just yet.
Keller Williams® Front Street LTD has increased its inventory and there are a few special deals on the table that we would like to tell you about. If you are interest, send us an email or give us a call as some of these properties will not be available for long.

                             Rotary vs. Rotoracts for Family Feud (Update)
                                                                         WE WON!
It was a fun night and we had enough participants to have two groups competing for each side, but when the game buzzer went of we (Rotarians) won both matches! Thanks to all of you that came out to cheer us on and thanks to The Truck Stop for always hosting such a fun event. Family Feud is held there most Fridays and you can create a group, on the spot, to enter the fun.
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                                     Rotary Sponsors "Paint Belize"
In participating with Rotary clubs around the country, the Rotary Club of Ambergris Caye joined together to restore the paint on the restrooms at the New Horizons school in the DFC area of San Pedro. February 23rd (Sunday) was the day designated for the event and many Rotarians were present. Power washing needed to be done on Friday in preparation for the event. The principal was present to make sure that we had access and offered additional assistance. The paint was much needed and the buildings look so much better.