Nate Womack
CA DRE# 01369153
925-954-5040 (US)

Nate's Neighborhood Notes
February 2023

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                  Affluent Americans Buying Real Estate Abroad!
Many financial advisors are constantly coaching their clients to diversify. With interest rates much higher than previous years, more affluent Americans are starting to purchase real estate outside of the United States. There can be many advantages to purchasing outside of the country that you reside and the article written by Moneywise mentions a couple.
Central America is mentioned as the top region for these investors. If you have any questions about how you can own real estate in Belize, contact me and I can give you some guidance and help you with a purchase here.

To read the full Moneywise article click here!
                                      New Things at Central Park
The San Pedro Town Council (SPTC) has installed a few changes to the downtown Central Park area. First, they installed a recycling bin for plastic bottles in the shape of a star. It's good that there is something to make people aware that plastic bottles can be recycled. I know for a fact that Bowen & Bowen does accept Coke Zero plastic bottles at their recycling station. I believe you receive .$05Bz/bottle. I am not sure what other bottles they accept there. It's not much money, but the fact that they are willing to accept the bottles is more important to me.

Second, they have installed a dual slide out in the water. It looks similar to the one that is installed in Boca del Rio at their park, but much better. This seems to be part of a master plan to provide residents more things to do downtown near Central Park.
           Lots of Live Music and Tourists for January/February 2023

One thing is for sure, here on the island, you are definitely getting a feel of how things were before the shutdown and worldwide pandemic that started in early 2020. Since the Christmas holidays, the island has been busy with lots of tourists. That number has been steady or increasing, since mid January 2023. Along with that, more musicians have been here for the past few weeks performing and drawing listeners. Some of these performers have already been booked to be here the same time in 2024. It's nice to see people walking the streets, dancing, meeting new people, and enjoying themselves on vacation.
Ride to Secret Beach Feb. 2023 Part 1
                                    Bike Ride to Secret Beach 2023
It's been a while since I have ridden out to Secret Beach and I had planned on doing it several months ago. I finally made the trip and it was a long and adventurous one through downpours and then muddy roads. I am going to make the trip a four-part series as the clips are longer. I cover the main road to where the "T" is to go to Secret Beach, then I loop around and through Grand Belizean Estates (GBE), down the peninsula portion of the west side to Aruna, and then finally Secret Beach proper. All in all, I road a little over 27 miles that morning (A personal best for me).

I do show some updates of the new developments heading north, if you are interested in that. I am posting part 1, now that is has been edited and hope to get the other 3 parts up some time next week.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Nate in Belize" if you want notifications when I post my next video.
                                 February is the Month of Carnaval

Carnaval celebrations begin on the 18th of this month. Don't forget to steer clear of certain areas, during certain times, if you are not wanting to participate. Carnival is a wonderful celebration throughout the Caribbean, North America, and South America this time of year. I am hoping that you are able to get out and enjoy some of the fun, here on the island.
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