Nate Womack
CA DRE# 01369153
925-954-5040 (US)

Nate's Neighborhood Notes
May 2020

                                      Belize Is COVID-19 FREE
In the late afternoon of May 5, 2020 it was announced by the Minister of Health (MOH) that the last two cases of coronavirus patients have tested negative. I do not know what the government's plans are for reopening, but it seems that most people are hoping to keep the borders closed for a while. The neighboring countries have had increases, particularly the northern border in Mexico (Quintana Roo). The water taxis began limited routes to the island yesterday for essential travel. There was initially some confusion as to who was suppose to be monitoring the travel, but I believe that has been worked out now.

On May 4th, Belize Water Express started running again making 4 round trips to the mainland. Passengers are suppose to be traveling for essential purposes at the discretion of the operator.
The Thunderbolt Water taxi to Corozal is also running now on limited days of the week.

There are constant updates from the government and I try to keep track of the most relevant ones here. I hope that you and your family stay safe during this global pandemic. We all look forward to seeing your return here in Belize when this is all over.

                                          Repatriation Flights
There have now been four repatriation flights (two to the US and two to Canada), since the international airport was shutdown on March 23rd. Currently, there are two more repatriation flights to Houston (US). One on May 7, 2020 and one on May 14, 2020. The flights leave at noon, but the May 7th flight is already SOLD OUT! You should check with United Airlines for seat availability for the next flight. Tropic Air is suppose to have a flight for expats leaving San Pedro, but you should also confirm that they have room on their flight.

1. Transportation: The Government of Belize has stated that due to the availability of public transportation options, all passengers must arrange their own travel to PGIA. Please arrive at the airport at least three hours before the flight departs.
  a. If you wish to fly to PGIA, Tropic Air and Maya Island Air are both operating regular domestic flights, please make your own reservation directly with these airlines.
     i. Tropic Air: or +501 614-7582
     ii. Maya Island Air: or +501 223-1140
  b. Passengers not flying to PGIA must arrange their own transportation by bus, taxi, water taxi, or personal vehicle.
     i. You must have a copy of your airline reservation in the vehicle to show security personnel at           roadblocks.
     ii. You must wear a cloth or surgical mask at all times.

2. Ministry of Health: All passengers must wear a cloth or surgical mask at all times including travel to the airport, while you are waiting for your flight, and while you are on the plane. Masks will not be provided for you. Please observe social distancing as much as possible

3. Ministry of Immigration: For passengers whose immigration status in Belize has expired, the Ministry of Immigration will be updating your status at PGIA. Please be prepared to pay any associated fees in cash.

4. United Airlines: All passengers must pre-check into the flight within 24 hours before flying (any time after 12:00 noon on Wednesday May 6/13). Please be prepared to pay all luggage and other fees for United Airlines with a credit or debit card online or at the airport upon arrival.

5. For Non-passengers: We are aware of many requests for an additional repatriation flight. If you have not previously done so, please enroll in STEP at and provide your name and contact information to: At this time there are no additional flights confirmed, and STEP is the vehicle for the U.S. Embassy to notify you if one becomes available. If you are considering taking a repatriation flight,  if available, back to the US or want travel updates, you should enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive travel alerts. You can find that on the US Embassy page for Belize here!  Please stay safe and observe all Government of Belize State of Emergency requirements.

The safety and security of American citizens is our highest responsibility. If you have any questions, please contact the U.S. Embassy Belmopan American Citizen Services Unit at


                                                     RED DAY!                                   
Keller Williams® Realty worldwide community service day "Red Day" is on May 14th of this month. Due to the global pandemic and social distancing restrictions, we are going digital this year! If you would like to help, please go to our "Red Day" page here!

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