Nate Womack
CA DRE# 01369153
925-954-5040 (US)

Nate's Neighborhood Notes
May 2022

           Belize Makes Forbe's List For Best Places to Travel in 2022
At the end of March, Forbes published its list of Best Places to Travel in 2022. Under the heading of Central and South America, Belize was #2! This highlights the continued notoriety that Belize has been getting before, during, and after the pandemic. Living here through this last Easter holiday, you would think that things were totally back to normal, but there is always a reminder that keeps us in check.

I am leaving a link to the Forbes article that you can read and use as a reference for your travel this year.
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                                       Easter Weekend in Review!
Easter has come and gone. I took a new listing last month and had reserved this space to do some advertising, but my client has already accepted an offer on the lot out at Secret Beach, so it is no longer available. I will link up the information as it is not actually "SOLD" until escrow closes. If you are looking for something in that area, please send me an email or give me a call. Some of the lots out there are not highly advertised.                                   
Newsletter Archives
Easter Weekend 2022
                       BTB Issues Reminder For Rental Accommodations
In early April, the Belize Tourism Board (BTB) put out a reminder that those seeking lodging should only do so with persons or businesses registered with the BTB. This is one way to ensure that the 9% hotel tax is collected. This is a Belize law already in place, but is not always followed (sometimes unintentionally) . This may be a sign that more strict enforcement is soon to follow.

Click here, to go to the site for more details.
Forbe's Article
                                           Video of Royal Kahal
I don't mean to keep beating the same drum, but I did want to write just enough to let you know that I took some clients in to Royal Kahal earlier this week and combined with some pictures that I had previously taken, was able to put together a video on my YouTube channel. I am providing a link below, if interested. Additional information can be found on my website here.
             ResortPass Offers Visiting Options for Some Resorts
I came across and ad on my FB page and thought that I would pass it along. I had heard of day passes being offered at Alaia, but I had not confirmed it looked into actual pricing. In this link, I see that Mata Chica is also participating and wonder if this will be a growing trend. There are also listed a number of resorts in the Quintana Roo area of Mexico (Playa del Carmen, Cozumel, and Tulum areas). Anyway, I just thought I would pass along the link, in case  you were interested. As always, I would check with the local resort first as they may actually offer a better deal.
Royal Kahal
                                                    RED DAY!
Every year, Keller Williams Realty has a day in early May, that we give back to the community. It varies in each region and in different countries, but the goal is the same. With Covid-19 we have combined online donations for some areas to help where there is need. In Belize this year, our Red Day committee felt that our Polyclinics and the Seine Bight Sisters would be a great cause to give to.  Please help, if you can, with your donation. It will be greatly appreciated.                                   
Red Day Donation Link 2022
Red Day 2019