Nate Womack
CA DRE# 01369153
925-954-5040 (US)

Nate's Neighborhood Notes
November 2020

                        PGIA Opens and Citizens/Owner's Begin Return
Last month the long awaited opening of the Philip Goldson International Airport (PGIA) occurred and owners, leaseholders, permanent residents, tourists, and citizens started to arrive back in Belize in larger numbers. In actuality, it seemed like most of the early flights had mostly Belizeans occupying the seats. I have information that on one flight, during the second week, there were a few tourist sprinkled among the other groups, but on this flight it was Belizeans and then property owners/leaseholders that booked the majority of the seats.

                     Updated Guidelines for Visiting/Returning to Belize
On October 16, 2020 the prime minister, Honourable Dean Barrow, held a press conference in which he announced new policies that would take effect at midnight, that following Sunday, the 18th. Following are the main changes to the existing policy:
1. Returning persons are no longer required to apply and get permission to return to Belize.
2. Returning persons are no longer required to quarantine for 10 days after returning to Belize. This is provided that they bring a negative PCR test result taken within 72 hours of arrival OR they have a negative test result at the airport.
3. Tourists are no longer confined to the Gold Standard Hotel/Resort that they are staying in. They may move about and eat at local restaurants, shop at local stores, and meet other Belizean citizens and guests.
4. Private health facilities may use accepted testing for COVID-19.

For property owners or long term leaseholders, you will be required to upload supporting documents (passport, departure stamp, land certificate, purchase contract, lease agreement) in a .JPG FORMAT. You will still need to get a PCR test with 72 hours of arriving (not required, but it will expedite entry at the airport) and you need to download the Travel Health App, now available for iphones and Android users.

Booking Your Trip
NOTE: Tourists must still book their stay at Gold Standard Accommodations, but they are not required to stay at just one location!
1. Search and find the best and most affordable flight in your area. That could be through United Airlines, American Airlines, or Delta Airlines (starting Nov. 20th). Some reports have come in that Westjet has cancelled flights through the rest of the year from Canada. Tropic Airlines has flights from Cancun, Mexico into Belize. Avianca Airlines is also flying into Belize.
2. Book your stay at a Gold Standard Accommodation.
3. If you are looking to buy/search for real estate, contact a real estate agent so that they can search for properties that you are looking for and line up an itinerary that can be submitted for you.
4. Take a COVID PCR test less than 72 hours from your arrival and have test results ready to show at the arrival airport. If not available, you will be tested upon arrival at a cost of $50USD.
NOTE: American Airlines has just announced that it will now start preflight testing for Belize! For more information click here.
5. Download the Travel Health app. It needs to be loaded/reloaded within 72 hours of arrival. You will be given a code that is used at the airport upon arrival. You can take a screenshot of the code to show at the airport.

              Active Coronavirus Cases Rising in Most Districts
The number of active coronavirus cases in the country of Belize have continued to rise in most districts in the country. Mainly Orange Walk, which is at the western side of the country and borders Guatemala. Other border districts have had spikes during sampling and this trend is not good news. San Pedro on Ambergris Caye, now has less than 35 active cases and that number is slowly dropping. There is more information on the coronavirus in Belize here.

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