Nate Womack
CA DRE# 01369153
925-954-5040 (US)

Nate's Neighborhood Notes
September 2024

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The island has been busy over the summer with many businesses making changes and the town council implementing some changes of its own.  For starters, the street paving that has been going on has progressed to many of the under served areas of San Pedro. The DFC and San Mateo areas have had many more streets paved. In addition, areas of Boca del Rio (mainly streets connecting to Laguna Drive) have also been paved. I do not have a map to show all of the street improvements, but I will try to find one or create one, if I need to. Next, it has been decided that the infamous JAGUARS would be closed forever. In fact, the building is currently being torn down. I don't know what is to be done with the space, but it had been a long standing feature of downtown in the Central Park area. I can remember arriving in San Pedro for the first time, back in 2002, and it, along with Fidos, where the places to be for nightime entertainment. Unfortunately, It was shut down after a shooting in January of 2023, which took the life of an innocent young lady that was visiting with her family. We have lost a large historical gathering place for holidays and celebrations that provided music and dancing for adults. Although there are some newer, but smaller places to go, the island will need a new replacement at some point, if it wants to compete with other Caribbean tourist destinations. I am hoping that the new Marriott Residences realizes this and makes accommodations with the new spaces that it will have.
San Pedro Summer Updates
September is here! I will leave pointing out where all of the activities are to other sites, but I can tell you that even August has had many tourists visiting San Pedro. I don't know what the tourism numbers are, but they seem to be increasing every year.

The Battle of St. George's Caye is on September 10th and Independence Day is September 21st.

I am noticing more and more tourist taking advantage of direct flights for long weekends. Check the airfares and you might be able to join in on one or more of the celebrations!
"A Nation Proud and Free: Belize @ 43"
The new water taxi terminal is coming along and it looks like it will be ready for High Season! I have heard some rumors that they might be building more on that lot, but I have not verified anything. I believe they are having to work with ECI Development (they are the developers of the Marriott Residences property) as they currently need to use their space for heavy crane equipment for lifting beams into place. That is why they might have shifted work to that side of the lot.
The new seawall down at Alaia is moving forward and I believe that it is supposed to be complete by the end of September. I have a new video that shows the work so far. Bananas on the Beach has pretty much already completed their seawall and Alaia is aligning theirs to match (shown above). Grand Colony is also part of the seawall addition. Speaking of seawalls, a crtitical new seawall is being added at Babylon Beach. This area of the beach had serious erosion issues which made it the most critical area to pass walking or on a bike. The concrete portion has been poured and it seems like they are waiting for the fill to be added. In Boca del Rio, many areas are adding seawalls, but they are not using concrete so I am not sure how long the walls will be maintained. At least temporarily, the beach has been extended in those areas.
The Sandbar Hostel is undergoing some major renovations! I have heard that a new/previous owner might be back in with some new capital. The corner building has been torn down and the foundation is being created for a new building. I'm not sure how high it will go, but I would imagine at least 3 stories. The pool that was removed was only a couple years old so I imagine that whatever is built, it will have a significant increase in the revenue for its owners.
San Pedro Summer Updates Part 1
San Pedro Summer Updates Part 2